Business is not a one-size-fits-all, and your support shouldn't be either.

I teach coaches and entrepreneurs how to build and scale profitable businesses with a solid foundation and scalable strategies so they can tap into pleasure and ignite profits!

If you are ready to take action, scale your business, and ignite profits-Welcome!! I am so glad you’re here! It’s time to get the support you need.

You have a passion for what you do-

You are an entrepreneur passionate about doing things differently and fueled by what you have to offer the world. You know it is going to change people’s lives. You are not afraid to roll your sleeves up and do the work; it’s invigorating to think of what is possible.

Yet, you need clarification about what step to take next and are overwhelmed by who to listen to, what to implement when, and all the tech makes your head spin.

You have a vision for your business-

You have a vision and a desire to make money doing what you love. You know you can help people, and they need what you have to offer. But you’re scared and unsure of how to make it work. You need to figure out how to scale your business, and the thought of selling makes you shutter, even though you know it’s essential. You know you need new skills, help, and guidance.

Whether you're...

  • established and overwhelmed with how to scale your business with the ever-changing climate and feeling burned out with the backend upkeep and energy balance.
  • new and just starting your business, needing clarification about what you need and how to build a profitable business without going broke.
  • simply stuck in business, not sure what you want or how to get it, the pleasure in your business has gone stagnant, and you need a sounding board with actionable feedback and strategy.

It’s time to get the support you need and do business with ease!

Hi, I'm Patti.

I started in sales 20+ years ago, working across industries applying my consent-based sales strategies to transform countless small businesses and large corporations.

I have spent the last few years navigating the constant sales climate changes and know that shift happens! I am dedicated to supporting my client’s shift and navigating sales regardless of the selling climate.

I would love to support you in building a strong sales foundation that will thrive in any climate.

Doing Business With Support and Ease Looks Like…

  • Having a roadmap to follow with actionable steps to take each day to move you forward in your business.
  • Being so clear on what you do, who you serve, and what you offer, you can embody your business fully, and it flows effortlessly.
  • Implementing frameworks that will support you in scaling and selling with ease.
  • Having a solid business foundation that supports growth with systems and automation and focusing on delivering what you love.
  • Being supported as you navigate it all. Taking care of your nervous system, balancing your energy, managing your thoughts, and operating from a space of confidence in who you are and how you show up.
  • Doing things on your terms that feel good and are aligned with your values.

Ways To Get Support

Having the support you need while growing your online business changes everything.


With support, a shift in your mindset, and coaching, you can and will step into everything you desire!


You bring what you want support on, and I will work with you to create a strategy to make it happen.

Still have questions? Let’s connect. Click here to schedule a call.

Every online entrepreneur and coach has their unique journey to success. Whether you’re just dipping your toes or a seasoned pro, it’s essential to high-five your achievements and find the perfect path to grow your business. Say hello to the Online Biz Thrive Meter – a 20-question assessment whipped up just for online entrepreneurs and coaches like you.

By taking this quiz, you’ll:

  • 🎉 Celebrate your wins and give your strengths a standing ovation
  • 🔎 Get a crystal-clear view of your business’s current stage
  • 🎁 Snag personalized guidance and support tailored to your unique situation
  • 🔥 Learn killer strategies to help you evolve and crush it in your online biz

Embrace your journey and unleash your potential.

 To access the Online Biz Thrive Meter, tap that button below. You’ll get instant access to the quiz and a custom report with your results and recommendations.